Five Reasons you should consider Weight Loss Surgery

The obesity rates in India are on the rise. According to the latest National Family Health Survey (NFHS)-5 report of 2022, the number of obese women increased to 24 percent in 2019-20. For the male population, the percentage has gone up to 23 from 19 percent in 2015-16.

The report also presented the waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) for men and women between the ages of 15-49. It concluded that 57 percent of women and 48 percent of men have a WHR that makes them susceptible to complications related to abdominal obesity and other metabolic conditions.

The numbers manifest a grave reality for Indians. Even in Gujarat, the obesity numbers are alarming, and malnutrition is a real issue. For example, a TOI article mentioned half of the Gujarati population is overweight or underweight, and the number of overweight individuals in the state has risen since 2018.

If we do not start taking care of our health and continue to put on kilos, we may be facing an obesity epidemic shortly. So it's time we start taking care of our bodies and focus on adopting a healthy lifestyle.

People who are obese may face serious health consequences, including high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease. For obese patients who have not been able to achieve long-term, sustainable success with dieting, exercising, or other interventions, weight loss surgeries are readily available in and around Gujarat.

If your doctor has recommended you to undergo weight loss surgery, it can become instrumental in improving your health. Here are some of the benefits of obesity surgery:

1. Substantial Weight Loss

Although there are different types of weight loss surgeries, the reason behind every bariatric procedure is the same: changing the anatomy of the stomach and other parts of the digestive system to help you lose weight. After your surgery, you will find lower hunger levels and more satiety. Often, patients experience reduced preoccupation with food, which reduces their overall caloric intake and causes substantial weight loss.

2. Cure from Obesity-Related Conditions

Many medical conditions are associated with higher weight among individuals: heart disease, hypertension, sleep apnea, arthritis, joint pain, acid reflux, higher cholesterol levels, etc. With a weight loss surgery, one can experience reduced severeness of many obesity-related conditions. Even patients with Type II diabetes witness improved insulin sensitivity after weight loss. A weight reduction also improves cortisol levels.

3. Better Metabolism

When a bariatric surgeon reduces the size of your stomach, the secretion of the GLP-1 hormone increases. It leads to a better synthesis of the food you consume and thus, improves your metabolism and reduces weight.

As a result, patients can participate in physical activities more frequently as the excess weight comes off. So, it enables them to burn even more calories than before.

4. Improved Quality of Life

In addition to quantitative weight loss, a bariatric surgeon can help you improve your quality of life. One can enjoy better mobility than before. For example, a weight reduction allows you to partake in different social activities that were difficult/inconvenient in the past. Thus, it results in a decrease in depression/anxiety and improvement in self-esteem and social standing.

5. Improved Longevity

Not having bariatric/weight loss surgery is more dangerous for obese patients than choosing to get one. By remaining obese, you invite a host of diseases and illnesses into your life. PCOS, fertility issues, fatty liver disease, gout, hypertension, gall bladder stones, different types of cancer, and many other medical conditions worsen due to the excess weight of the patient. Several epidemiological studies prove that obesity can be one of the underlying causes of early death.

In general, weight loss surgery is the perfect solution for patients with BMI higher than 40. However, even if your BMI is 35-40, you can qualify for surgery, especially if you have an existing medical condition such as diabetes or hypertension.

To have an accurate idea of your eligibility, you must consult an experienced bariatric surgeon. The weight loss doctor will analyze your condition and ask you to undergo an extensive screening process to see if you qualify for the surgery. Additionally, the doctor will explain to you what permanent lifestyle changes are necessary to maintain the weight loss. Hence, you must consult the top bariatric surgeon in your city.


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