The One Supplement that guarantees Reproductive Health of Dairy Animals

Just as humans, animals derive their nutrition and maintain health from their food. You cannot rely on grazing to provide farm animals with all the required nutrients. It will not provide vitamins and minerals in the right quantities to produce quality milk. And, if your animals are weak or sickly for some reason, it can affect their health, reproductive capacity, life expectancy, and ultimately, your business.

Care for Cattle: Special Nutrition Needs for a Successful Calving Session

When you are a dairy farmer or operating an animal husbandry business, the health of your animals is of prime importance. In addition to regular access to quality feed and a high level of care, animals require extra supplementation to maintain optimum health.

A pregnant animal needs more attention and care. For example, when a cow or buffalo gives birth without proper nutrition management, her health can affect adversely, especially after parturition. The animal becomes weak. She can suffer from severe problems such as:

1. Relentless bleeding and uncontrollable pain post-calving.

2. delayed involution of the uterus.

3. ROP (Retention of Placenta).

4. Delayed expulsion of the placenta and lochia discharge.

5. Increased possibility of uterine infection.

6. Fever and weakness.

7. Loss of milk production.

8. Longer calving interval.

Did you know delayed involution of the uterus can cause late conception and reduced reproductive capacity? Additionally, the health of the newborn calf may also suffer. In the end, the animals may not be able to deliver optimal results, and your business may suffer economic losses.

Uterine Tonic for Cattle: Enrich the Lives of Dairy Animals

If your cows, buffaloes, goats, and sheep are pregnant or calving, a few cattle feed supplements become non-negotiable. Along with liquid calcium feed for cattle, veterinary glucogenic precursor liquid, uterine tonic can help manage several processes in the body, including changes related to the endocrinal system, nutrition, physiology, and metabolism.

Providing the veterinary ecbolic uterine tonic right after calving can be beneficial and help cows and buffaloes maintain optimum health. The feed supplement will help your animals in the following ways:

1. Early-onset of heat.

2. Increased contractions.

3. Faster expulsion of the placenta after calving.

4. Thorough cleaning of the uterus.

5. Efficient restoration of ovarian function.

6. High breeding efficiency.

Herbal Uterine Liquid for Better Animal Health

Are you worried about providing chemically-augmented uterine tonic to your animals? There is a solution if you do not want to give synthetic animal feed supplements. Nowadays, many naturally-derived veterinary uterine liquid manufacturers ensure the health of your cattle.

Made with natural herbs such as Bilv, Dashmool, Manjeeth, Mandook Parni, Kala Jeera, Aloe Vera, Jeevanti, Gokshru, Amla, Kamal Pushpi, Shalparni, Prishparni, Kantkari, and many others, the uterine liquid also contains valuable vitamins and minerals for ensuring the health of cows, buffaloes, and other dairy animals.

How to choose the Best Herbal Uterine Tonic Manufacturer in India?

When looking for a manufacturer to buy herbal uterine liquid, quality and consistency are key factors to help you make the decision. For example, many private label sellers and contract manufacturers in India provide bulk supplies of veterinary supplements. To avoid confusion, choose an ISO-certified and GMP-compliant manufacturer for your peace of mind.

Remember, price is not the only deciding factor. Look for results, instead of solely focusing on the cost. You can ask for samples or small quantities of the product. Analyze the results and then make a well-informed decision.

Raising cows, buffaloes, and other farm animals is more than a business. It involves providing a good life to your cattle while ensuring economic profitability for your business. So, make intelligent nutrition management decisions and enrich the lives of dairy animals.


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