
Showing posts from June, 2022

The One Supplement that guarantees Reproductive Health of Dairy Animals

Just as humans, animals derive their nutrition and maintain health from their food. You cannot rely on grazing to provide farm animals with all the required nutrients. It will not provide vitamins and minerals in the right quantities to produce quality milk. And, if your animals are weak or sickly for some reason, it can affect their health, reproductive capacity, life expectancy, and ultimately, your business. Care for Cattle: Special Nutrition Needs for a Successful Calving Session When you are a dairy farmer or operating an animal husbandry business, the health of your animals is of prime importance. In addition to regular access to quality feed and a high level of care, animals require extra supplementation to maintain optimum health. A pregnant animal needs more attention and care. For example, when a cow or buffalo gives birth without proper nutrition management, her health can affect adversely, especially after parturition. The animal becomes weak. She can suffer from severe pro