
Showing posts from May, 2022

Animal Feed Supplements: Packaging it the Right Way

With innovation in the dairy farming industry and the need for quality animal nutrition products, many businesses sell animal feed supplements over the internet. You can work with a wholesale contract manufacturer. They will help you with calcium gels, energy boosters, and multi-vitamin supplements for dairy animals. Before you jump on the bandwagon, let's learn a few things. Why are Animal Feed Supplements Necessary for Cattle? Animal feed supplements provide energy and are crucial for growth and overall development. Due to various environmental and physical threats to dairy animals and the need to produce quality animal products, the health of the cattle is a concern for many farmers. For example, liquid calcium supplements are necessary to boost the milk production capacity of animals. Or else, they may suffer from milk fever. Nutrition in animals is necessary for various reasons. The health of cattle decides the milk production and meat quality and hence impacts their overall

Understanding MOQ to choose your Contract Manufacturer

With several incentives from the Government of India, under the Make in India campaign, manufacturing activities have received a phenomenal boost. The Government also introduced 100% FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) in contract manufacturing to encourage Indian companies to become a viable alternative for Chinese manufacturers. For example, Company A is not producing goods on its own and outsourcing them to another Company B in India. Company A can still get up to 100% FDI under an automatic route. It has led to more investments in the contract manufacturing industry, and overall, India's manufacturing sector has received a much-needed impetus. Hiring contract manufacturing services seems a lucrative option for many budding businesspersons. If you are looking for the best Indian contract manufacturer to start your private label business, you must know about MOQ and understand how the number will affect you. Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ) is the minimum number of units a manufacturer

How to succeed in selling Joint Supplements?

According to research, the Market Value for Bone and Joint Health Supplements was $9.9 billion in 2020. Market researchers estimate that it will grow to $14.7 billion by 2027. A quick Google search of the Joint Supplements market will reveal that several key nutraceutical companies are vying for the market share. There are tons of nutraceutical supplement products available on the market that address the growing demands of the consumer. If you are ready to enter the world of nutraceuticals and sell joint supplements , one thing is for sure: you need a stellar product to win against the competition and keep customers coming back to you. Successful Joint Supplement: Key Factors to Consider Nowadays, there is more than one way to do business. Gone are the days when only big pharmaceutical companies sold health supplements. Today, anyone with a passion for helping people improve their health can get into the business of nutraceutical supplements. Here are a few factors that warrant your a